The track starts the same place where the one to the Tuc deth port de Vielha – near the other end of the Vielha tunnel. The weather is still sunny and warmer than yesterday. We walk the path by the mountain stream and waterfall. Gradually the path gets steeper and takes us to the forest full of beeches. In a couple of hours uphill walking we are at the first lake Molières. Close to it we find another two and a little bit further up – the fourth lake Molières. We climb uphill a bit on the other side of the fourth lake than turn back to have a rest near the lake. The lake has a thick layer of snow at its sides. Two meters at least – it is hard to reach with a hand the top.
On a way back Benita and Imants decide to go faster. Me and Ilze are staying behind to take a shots of two marmots. One of them seems not to object to be on a couple of shots. Another one sits a little bit higher uphill on a stone and whistles.

Right next to the parking place we notice a large herd of sheep. Looks like there is huge moving carpet on the slope.