The mountain run/walk happened on October 19th Canton du Valais located, Southern Switzerland. The event is a traditional one – organized since 2001.
Jeizinen – Moiry

The mountain run/walk happened on October 19th Canton du Valais located, Southern Switzerland. The event is a traditional one – organized since 2001.
Story (with photos and tracks) on Grand Raid Golfe du Morbihan and our travel to the western part of Brittany is now available here.
Click for the full story here
Track of Ilze with photos from Juris Photos
Below are the summary of our results and those of the world champions for comparison.
Benita, Gaida and Imants are on the way already, Ilze and me will follow tomorrow.
Inspected the distribution of the participants by age groups. The greatest competition for men is in my group (31 participant), for women – in the group of Ilze and Benita. Scary 🙂
The diagram shows the distribution by age groups of participants of the Roding NW half marathon (234 participants in total).
Nujo team does not exist anymore 🙁 Hence we decided to build a new Nordic Walking team LoRa as an extension of our group of mountain hikers LoRa 🙂
LoRa team has 5 members now. Benita and Imants (alias Lo), as well as Ilze and Juris (alias Ra) came to the team from the hikers group. Gaida is a newcomer (we hope there will be more 🙂 ).
The first Nordic Walking event for the new team is at 15th June – the World championship in Nordic Walking halfmarathon in Roding, Germany.